Saturday, March 28, 2009

ESPN Zone!

It looked like a rainy day, so we took Patrick to the Museum of American History for a spin around the "America on the Move" exhibit, which featured trains, buses, cars, trucks, and boats. He loved seeing all the modes of transportation, and playing in the Spark Lab, an activity room just for kids with blocks, crafts, and all kinds of scientific experiments. For lunch we thought we'd try the ESPN Zone, which turned out great--UVA was playing lacrosse on the big screen and in addition to all of the ball decor everywhere the basement has an arcade. Patrick found a stray basketball immediately, and had a great time watching the big kids--including Daddy--dunk balls in the skeeball game, throw footballs, and drive a racecar.

March Madness

We've been dunking balls every day!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Parade Day

The St. Patricks Day parade in Old Town is one of the best days of the year! We kicked it off with a trip to the "Fun Dog Show"--which was mobbed thanks to the great weather. We scored a balloon from our real estate agent Bob--a huge hit with Patrick. After hitting the pizza lunch buffet at Bugsy's we met up with Jen, Derek, and Cousin Sophie to watch the parade. There was lots of music, more dogs, horses, policemen on motorcycles, Irish dancers, and even Shriners in funny little cars. Patrick liked it all, and was eagerly looking down the street as he clapped his hands and said "more! more!"

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow Day!

We finally got some snow yesterday. It wasn't a full-on snow day (I had to go to work), but we headed out to Beach Park in the late afternoon armed with two boogie boards and a cookie sheet. Patrick took a few turns down the hill and really enjoyed watching the "big kids." It wasn't long however before the siren song of the slide started calling Patrick's name. The icy conditions--and snowpants--made for super-fast sliding, and an unfortunate face plant into the snow for Patrick as I tried to capture the adorable smile on his face right before he begins his descent.
On the way home Donald and I realized that we hadn't been sledding since the winter of 1996, when a beer-drinking challenge involving Shelley, Ashley, Chip, and Steve Prewitt wrapped up on the hill outside of the Sigma Nu house. I don't recall anyone having a sled or proper snow gear except Donald, who after a brief disappearance appeared clad in snowpants, gloves, hat, parka, and scarf, and bearing a sled. He definitely looked like a big kid.