Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Clemyjontri Park

Patrick patiently helped us (un)pack boxes and boxes all weekend as we prepped the guest room to be his "big boy" room, so on Sunday we all took a trip to Clemyjontri Park, which is home to a fabulous carousel and world-class set of "dangling" rings. My favorite moment of the weekend was finding Patrick in his nursery getting "cozies" with a teddy bear and asking for a book. It may be the proudest moment of my life as a mommy so far.

All Aboard for Birthday #2!

Two rounds of cupcakes was twice the fun for Patrick's birthday...we celebrated with playgroup on Friday and again at Little Hunting Park on Saturday. We were lucky to have a perfect day and a new cousin in town to help us celebrate Donald and Patrick's shared birthday. We even tried out a game for the kids--a water balloon toss--which the kids seemed to enjoy. Donald and Papa were up into the wee hours on Friday assembling Patrick's train table, which he loves. We got a kick out of watching him open his presents; he immediately spotted a wrapped soccer ball and told us "I want to open that ball over there." He also got a fab lacrosse stick from cousin Sophie and a t-ball set. If he is not asking us to play with "Thomas Trains" first thing in the morning he's asking to go outside and "play baseball" or "play lacrosse." We hope there's a scholarship in one of these sports!

Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July

We had a great time in Connecticut over the 4th. Patrick is entertaining himself

more and more, and spent long periods of time building sandcastles with mommy and splashing in the baby pool. He loved going to see the turtles with Grammy and Grandaddy, and of course getting "cane cane" cones at the ice cream shop. Patrick went in the big pool and dunked balls with daddy, and Cousin Sophie entertained us with her many antics. We celebrated three birthdays--Grammy, Patrick, and Donald--with lobsters and a train cake from Baskin-Robbins. Aunt Melissa and Uncle Greg came down for the weekend too, with a new cousin--Sandy the dog.