Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Funny Valentines

Patrick and Madeline had fun making Valentines this year...and even more fun appropriating an empty box for a game of hide and seek.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snow Bunnies

Donald and I have long hoped that we could get Patrick on skis while he was young, and last weekend the opportunity presented itself to take a few days off and head to Wintergreen with the Stohs family. Patrick and I made a special trip to the library to check out skiing books, and we watched YouTube videos of children skiing as "visualization" exercises. We didn't count on the fact that someone else was paying very close attention. Madeline quickly started telling me "I go on skis. I go down the mountain. If I fall down, I get back up and go down the mountain, right Mommy?" So what could we do but rent Wintergreen's tiniest skis and put her on them? While we don't yet have a future Lindsay Vonn on our hands the kids had fun getting out on the snow and we'll definitely try it again. Donald and Andy got a nice afternoon of skiing in after we took the kids back, and everyone enjoyed Wintergreen's indoor pool when it was too cold to go outside.