Monday, August 13, 2012


"Don't worry Madeline, I'll be back at Abra after nap," Patrick bravely promised Madeline this morning on the way to K-prep. The group waiting outside Maury to be called in was a mix of play group friends, Abra buddies, and lots of new faces. Donald and I were so proud when Patrick's name was called and he marched off with his teacher--and three Abra pals-- to plunge into the next chapter of his life. The report: he LOVED lunch (turkey and cheese sandwich and a yet-to-be deciphered 'cherry sauce'), liked filling out his worksheets, did a puzzle, and played outside at recess. The morning flew by.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sparkly Shoes

I looked for sandals at the store but it's late in the season and when Maddle spied these sparkly flats it was all over. She wore them to Gran T's birthday dinner last night, and they were the first thing she asked for this morning.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Potty Time, Excellent

Madeline decided the occasion of an eight hour car trip with Mommy and Patrick was the PERFECT time to potty train herself. After countless public restroom stops I could not wait to get her into the tub, she could not wait to get back on the potty.

To Catch a Minnow

It's taken nearly half the summer, but Patrick and I finally captured a minnow last night at Tod's Point. Aunt Melissa helped keep watch over the tidepool menagerie, which quickly grew to include hermit crabs, regular crabs, mussels, and a clam. Between the good fishing and joyful frolicking in the waves, we had a perfect beach day.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day Two of Preschool

I arrived at Abra on Thursday to find Madeline sitting on a picnic table, surrounded by Genies and laughing her head off. She didn't even notice me as they chased her around the playground and she chased them. Just as I was breathing a sigh of relief that she is adjusting well the director came over and said you didn't tell us Maddle was a 'licker.' Apparently she spent some time on Thursday licking the playground attempt to turn him into a prince? Assured that it's not yet cause for child psychotherapy we collected her report sheet (ate lunch, napped, played with new friends) and headed home.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sophie is Four!

A fabulous birthday cake hat and Madeline's first pigtails topped a wonderful weekend celebrating Sophie's big 4. And yes, I did take a picture of our table set for Father's Day brunch. I thought it looked great.

The Newest Munchkin

Apparently, based on family history the teachers had all bet that Madeline would be the most likely of the new munchkins to shed a tear or two on her first day, but our girl surprised everyone, and seemed to enjoy her first day of munchkin-hood. When we arrived this morning the incomparable Ms. Aiyne showed Madeline the babies and read her a favorite story, Blueberries for Sal. They had spaghetti for lunch, Madeline napped, played with Thomas trains, and even did the slide 'all by herself' according to big brother Patrick, who did a great job looking out for her. I got a HUGE hug on the playground at pickup, and a laugh as Madeline walked over to her hook and removed the photo we'd carefully hung above it this morning; I'm not sure she realized she was coming back tomorrow. But that is another day. We all went out for pinkalicious cupcakes to celebrate a wonderful first day of preschool.