Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Dinosaur Hunters

Patrick and Madeline loved searching the beach at Calvert Cliffs State Park for fossils on Sunday. We returned home with a prized shark tooth and numerous other treasures.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Front Page News

Patrick and some buds made the front page of the Maury PTA newsletter...for being the cutest Kindergarteners ever!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Apple Dumpling Gang

What better way to welcome fall than apple picking and pie making!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cape Cod Moments

It was just us in Cape Cod at the end if August this year. Chatham continued to reveal its wonders: minnows, horseshoe crabs, and amazingly hundreds of seals (which explains the recent shark problems). We spent many evenings at Lighthouse Beach watching hundreds of seals swim past just yards offshore, and a new character has entered our bedtime stories: Sammy the Seal. Sammy enjoys going on picnics but has yet to make up his mind about whether or not he loves kindergarten.

Back-to-School Refrigerator Art Gallery

Madeline eagerly showed us her art last night and said she was drawing "o's"; Patrick is working on his numbers. While he'll say he can't read or add we've caught him subconsciously doing both in the past few weeks.

School Supplies

Scenes from our first trip to stock up for school...