Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Birthday Boys

We celebrated two fun birthdays at the Nats game on Saturday. Patrick loved seeing his name on the board.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Swim Season

From baseball straight to rugby and swimming. Patrick has swum in 2 meets and gotten second place twice!

 That's him in the shark trunks-- not racing suit!

Fourth of July Fun

Long days at Rocky Point and Greenwich Point, a pirate treasure hunt, a birthday celebration, cousin fun, and a few contraband fireworks marked a fabulous 4th of July week in CT.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Everyone in the Hot Tub!

The only preschool party in town that ends (and begins) in the hot tub....

A Season to Remember

The Closers made the city championship game after an epic three-day playoff game that included nail- biting no hitter innings, sweltering temperatures, a Xanax-popping mom (not me) an epic pool party, and the winning hit made by a kid--the coach's son-- who hadn't had a hit all year. While they didn't win the championship we will never forget this season. Patrick collected two trophies: division champions and second place.

At city championship game.

3-day playoff!

Two trophies!

Last Day of Second Grade

Silly boys and giant dinosaurs.

Sophie Turns 7

We had a whirlwind Fathers Day weekend back in June with a baby shower for Jen, pool party for Sophie, and a relaxed Sunday at the pool with Aunt Melissa.

Field Trip

The Genies took the metro to the Museum of Natural History a few weeks ago. They looked adorable in their Abra Alum shirts.

Sure Sign of Summer

Madeline and a friend set up a lemonade stand...on the patio. Business has been slow:)