Monday, February 16, 2009

Dunk A Ball

Patrick's longstanding obsession with balls has taken a new turn. David next door has been coming over to demonstrate his basketball skills on the Little Tikes mini-hoop. We raised it up to the highest level and David and a friend dunked, did alley-oops, and generally put every ball in the house through the hoop. Patrick watched the show is a sort of stunned awe, too wowed to do anything while they were here. But after they left he insisted that we keep the hoop up high and he constantly asks to "dunk a ball." We've invented all kinds of shots; my favorite is the airplane double-dunk slamma jamma, which involves a ball in each hand and me "flying" our budding Larry Bird around the living room before dunking. After a dozen of these shots I can barely lift Patrick but he still begs "again, again!"

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