Monday, September 21, 2009

Aquarium and ESPN Zone

"I'm going to see two turtles" Patrick told us when we announced our destination on Sunday morning, and the Baltimore Aquarium did not disappoint. Patrick loved looking at all the animals and was only mildly annoyed that there weren't any lions present. He ran about four stories down the ramp of the Atlantic reef exhibit and was as amazed as we were by the giant sea turtle and the "mans" feeding the rays and turtles in the tank at the bottom. The giant sports balls outside the ESPN Zone held equal fascination and Patrick was desperate to get his hands on them. We played the basketball toss game, football game, and even golf. Donald took some cute photos of Patrick on Sunday afternoon eating apple slices, one of his new favorite snacks (skin removed--how do all kids prefer this?). He is also keen on "tummus" these days, which he will use as a dip but prefers to just eat with a spoon.

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