Friday, January 22, 2010

Two Month Checkup

Madeline had her 2-month checkup this week and got good reports all around. She’s 14.4 pounds and 24 inches long, and her head is 16.5 inches in circumference, which puts her more or less in the 90th percentile for everything. She did very well holding up her head and following objects with her eyes. In non-medical news, she is a joy of a baby. She actually coos and goos and loves "talking" to us. The other day she laughed for the first time and it was the best thing I heard all week. We have been having many adventures together and are loving our girl time. Last week she accompanied me on a few ladies’ lunches and a trip to the mall, and this week we’ve been hitting the gym. She has also made her presence (and displeasure) known on several conference calls for work, and shares my skepticism about the new business “strategy.”

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