Thursday, May 6, 2010

The "One" Club

Welcome to the “one” club Colton! We had a great time celebrating with our favorite nephew in Knoxville this past weekend. Upon arrival late Thursday night Patrick made a quick survey of the scene and told me sadly “they only have 2 footballs Mommy.” Needless to say, the two footballs were quickly appropriated by you-know-who, who slept with one tucked under each arm. We stocked up on kid clothes on a trip to Pigeon Forge on Friday, and enjoyed the beautiful weather playing baseball after dinner with a brilliant inflatable set. Like a true member of the Thomas family, Colton attacked his chocolate cake with gusto on Saturday, and he and Patrick whiled away the afternoon dunking on his new Little Tikes hoop. On Sunday we watched Colton be introduced officially to his church, followed by a festive lunch with the Liner family. It was a wonderful weekend and over way too fast.

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