Monday, January 28, 2013

Patrick Loses a Tooth!

Madeline took this picture (!) of us checking  out the loose tooth

Last picture of the full set of Patrick's baby teeth!
It felt wiggly all week. Patrick eschewed hard food and listened to us read One Morning in Maine, the classic lost tooth tale, with rapt concentration. Then, on Saturday, while taking a bite of watermelon, Donald heard a little crack. And Patrick stopped chewing and said "I think I got a seed." But it was his tooth! Patrick excitedly called Gran T, Grammy, Grandaddy and Aunt Melissa and we texted pics to Colton and Sophie, and all congratulated him on the news. We all admired the tooth (which looked so small out of his mouth) and the space where the tooth had been.

Patrick told us he hoped the tooth fairy brought him a baby brother or sister or an Iron Man toy. We gently explained that the tooth fairy usually just brought money. At 6:30 Sunday morning he came running downstairs, brandishing his brand new dollars, and very generously gave two to Madeline so she could pick out a new toy too. We're getting used to Patrick's new look, and can't believe that someday soon a grown-up tooth will be occupying that sweet empty spot.

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