Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day Bouquet

A few blooms for my Mother’s Day bouquet:

Patrick, after hearing my explanation of the word “commotion” (making a lot of noise and causing trouble) pointing to himself and saying “I’m a commotion.”

Madeline’s new morning routine of helping me with my makeup: applying blush to my cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead. A co-worker asked me if I was feeling OK the other day because I was so flushed.

Patrick, our fledgling reader, quickly flipping through the pages of an illustrated library book and explaining “I’m just taking a picture walk.”

Also related to reading: Patrick, watching me look at a magazine and asking me if I was reading it because, “I can’t see your lips moving, Mommy.”

The new game we’ve devised to get our steadfastly stubborn Maddle to do almost anything….”whatever you do, do NOT brush your teeth, wash your hands, put on your socks, eat your apple slices….” and her howls of delight as she defies us and mocks our feigned shock.

The look on Patrick and Madeline's faces when they presented me with their Mother's Day gifts of flowers planted at school.

And one from Donald, picked up from a conversation with Madeline:
"Daddy, I wish you could be small and just be with me (be my friend)". 

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