Sunday, March 30, 2014

Last Days of the Dinosaurs

They're closing the dinosaur hall at the Museum of Natural History for 5 years for renovations next month. I can't help but think of it as the five years that dinosaurs will be really amazing to him, and mourn for a piece of his childhood gone too early. 
If I could have one superpower it would be the ability to freeze time. To savor all the little things he does that are so heartbreakingly adorable, like the completely absorbed way he plays with his Legos, or watches cartoons clutching his 'guys' and acting out the scenes with them;  how he was nervous about buying school lunch and wanted me to walk through the lunch line with him; how he turns to me without hesitation when I ask him about the best part of his day and he says "lying here, talking to you Mommy."
Today Donald pointed out a stuffed cheetah in the mammal hall. Patrick took a casual glance and no Daddy, that's a leopard. He was right of course. We are lucky indeed to have such a rare specimen in our family.

The Puppet Master

Madeline brightened up a rainy day with a beautiful butterfly puppet show for us.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Keep Out!

The sign reads "no six year old boys." Madeline came down yesterday and insisted I help her spell out every word.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Bag Ladies

The fashion scene on the street in Westchester proved that purses are the must-have accessories of the season. Contents of Madeline's purse: three pirate gold coins, a painted rock, hello kitty lipgloss and four magic markers.

Everything Was Awesome

We hit Legoland in Westchester today and like the (Lego Movie) song says, "everything was awesome!"

We rode a ride with laser guns, viewed the monuments of New York built from Legos, built and raced Lego cars, watched a 4-D movie, and got Madeline to sing karaoke (she finally agreed to do it because I was singing Party in the USA so badly). We also added 6 or 7 new Lego sets to our wish list.  (mission accomplished Legoland master planners!)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Beach Day

Patrick, Madeline, Grandaddy, and I managed to spend the first day of Spring at the beach! A windy, still-wintry New England beach, but after this winter no one is being picky. We dug for treasure, raced up the hill to Indian Rock, and explored the Holly Grove. I hear snow is predicted again next Tuesday but for now we'll take the lovely afternoon as promise of a not-too-distant summer.

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Visit From the Leprechaun

Patrick and Madeline awoke to some St. Patricks Day treats this morning. While we got snow instead of a rainbow or a pot of gold we did get these treasures: Madeline asking me when it was going to be St. Madeline's Day, and her informing me that she spent her naptime attempting to procure eyelashes on which to make a wish. If I wake up tomorrow and see a unicorn in the back yard we'll know she was successful.

Welcome to Maddle-Land

Madeline's new thing is PJs. She puts them on the minute she gets home from school and pretty much wears them all weekend (she changes into a 'fresh' pair when she wakes up). On Saturday Patrick 'rainbow loomed' Madeline a necklace out of all the hair bands she never wears. She added to it another necklace featuring a key stamped with a Princess castle and a tiny plastic jar filled with glitter and a small plastic dolphin, and wore rubber bands with 'jewels' around her wrist. She wore all of the above, including a tiara and her pjs, to ride her bike to the park on Saturday. She was so proud of her outfit she insisted I take this picture.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blossoming Artists

Madeline recently started drawing flowers (that's her and Grammy in the picture). And even Patrick took a break from devising weapons of every stripe for his Army vehicles to make me a beautiful bouquet. With all of these budding blooms can Spring be very far away?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Zen and the Art of Preschool

Only in Alexandria: Madeline is taking yoga at Abra. She showed us everything she learned tonight and is thrilled to be in an "exercise class."

Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Fun

Twister, a fairy garden, and a giant train track brightened up a very snowy Monday.