Sunday, March 30, 2014

Last Days of the Dinosaurs

They're closing the dinosaur hall at the Museum of Natural History for 5 years for renovations next month. I can't help but think of it as the five years that dinosaurs will be really amazing to him, and mourn for a piece of his childhood gone too early. 
If I could have one superpower it would be the ability to freeze time. To savor all the little things he does that are so heartbreakingly adorable, like the completely absorbed way he plays with his Legos, or watches cartoons clutching his 'guys' and acting out the scenes with them;  how he was nervous about buying school lunch and wanted me to walk through the lunch line with him; how he turns to me without hesitation when I ask him about the best part of his day and he says "lying here, talking to you Mommy."
Today Donald pointed out a stuffed cheetah in the mammal hall. Patrick took a casual glance and no Daddy, that's a leopard. He was right of course. We are lucky indeed to have such a rare specimen in our family.

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