Saturday, October 17, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Patrick's "big boy" mattresses arrived the other day and when he got home from school we put everything together: sports-themed sheets and quilt, basketball and football pillows. Patrick was delighted with the sheets, and excitedly pointed out all of the elements to us: "football and basketball and soccer ball and baseball and star and football and basketball and...." If the new bed wasn't enough to convince us we have a bona fide big boy on our hands his recent love of "race cars" is. "I'm gonna vroom them," he tells us as they go zipping off the coffee table, but he carefully keeps track of them too (he has four); they rest on his night table at night, come down in the morning to usually accompany breakfast, and often times sneak into the pocket of his backpack to come with him to school. I've even seen him stuff them into his pants pockets, where I also recently uncovered a sizable handful of pebbles from the playground.

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