Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Glorious Fourth

We spent a lovely 4th of July weekend at Grammy and Grandaddy's watching the sun sparkle on the water, chasing seagulls, building sand castles, and tooling around town in the new bicycle trailer. Patrick and Cousin Sophie played with the old Barbie dreamhouse, tasted their first lobster, and pushed a very compliant Madeline up and down the driveway in her stroller. On Saturday we celebrated Grammy, Patrick, and Donald's birthday with a delicious lobster dinner, sparklers, and visits from Aunt Melissa, Uncle Greg, Aunt Lissy, and Uncle Tommy.

We took a different route home Monday to avoid traffic, and after a nap Patrick kept a constant commentary going, frequently peppering his thoughts about the scenery with the inevitable "Are we there?" When Donald told him the sad truth somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania, Patrick told us, "I don't like far away." He entertained himself with putting stacking cups on his head and mimicking the storybook Caps for Sale, arguing with me that S'mores were dinner, not treat, and looking for meatballs under bushes, as per one of his favorite songs, On Top of Spaghetti.

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