Saturday, November 20, 2010

Twelve Month Checkup

Madeline was entirely too wiggly to get any kind of accurate reading on height or weight, but has been declared to "look fine" by Dr. Parke. She has some words, including "bye bye" "ba-da" (brother) "up" "hot" and "Mama" and "Dada," and can use grunts and yowls to get exactly what she wants. She knows to go into the bathroom for bathtime, nods eagerly and squeals when we ask if she wants milk, and claps for joy when we bring cheese out of the refrigerator. Mealtimes have gotten more interesting in the past few weeks as Patrick has decided he must sit as close to Madeline as humanly possible, eat the same thing she's eating, and use the same color spoon or fork as his sis. The two pick food off of each other's trays and laugh their heads off when one or the other does something naughty.

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