Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Dinosaur Museum

Patrick was up at 6 a.m. on Saturday in eager anticipation of a visit to the dinosaur museum. We were so proud of our amateur paleontologist as he enthusiastically identified many of the species and marveled, with dozens of other boys of about the same age, at the immense size of these wonderful creatures. Donald and I were amazed at the dinosaur details he is picking up: he identified Triceratops as being from the Cretaceous period, and when we showed him a model of the Earth he asked "is that the dinosaur Earth or our Earth?" We looked at fossils and many beautifully colored minerals in the rock exhibit, where Patrick was particularly intrigued by part of the exhibit that was designed to look like a cave. He pushed hard on the "stone" wall to see if it would move and when it refused to give told us "I think I need to put on my Spider Man costume."

Cousin Sophie joined us later in the morning and served as our enthusiastic tour guide as we raced through the mammals exhibit. We topped it all off with a pizza party at 2 Amys and a nearly instantaneous nap when we finally got into car seats to go home.

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