Monday, March 7, 2011

Sisterly Devotion

Madeline loves Patrick with the adoring devotion that only a baby sister can muster. "Bubba" is her first word every morning, and she is happiest when she is right next to him. She occasionally finds herself negotiating to share space at the workbench or trying to get her hands on the precious Robin action figure, but a lot of times she is content to bring her brother legos for one of his many "ships", settle in next to him on the couch to watch "hat" (The Cat in the Hat) after dinner, or just stand next to him (very close) and watch what he is doing. She is a hugger, and after a round of particularly enthusiastic hugs the other day Patrick told us "I am getting tired of all this hugging!" Madeline even likes to keep Patrick company while he uses the potty, and happily takes a perch on the step stool while she waits for bubba, then flushes for him and claps her hands. Good job bubba!

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