Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spinning 70s Style

It probably oozes BPA, lead paint, and unfiltered cigarettes, but the 1973 sit-n-spin is a fun blast from the past and an engineering marvel from the days when children ran loose in the streets until dinner and “child safety” meant making your toddler fasten their seat belt when they were riding in the front. This thing is fast, and much better made than the 21st-century models, which at some point were re-designed to go a lot slower. We got a hot tip from a local dad in the know and thanks to e-bay Patrick and Madeline have been getting a taste of their parents' carefree youth. One recent afternoon found Patrick happily spinning and telling me "I don't need to go to the park today Mommy." On the day it arrived Madeline was fussy all through dinner and Donald and I couldn't figure out why--until we let her out of her high chair and she ran over to her new toy for a spin and a giggle. She especially likes the little console in the middle. It’s a great resting place for her ever-present snack cup.

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting dizzy just imagining that flowered sleeper going around and around...
