Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey Times

Given all of our activity of late we decided not to travel this year, so instead we stayed home, and Thanksgiving came to us in some delightful ways. The Prewitts came to town last weekend and we spent a terrific Saturday night watching UVA beat Florida State, and had everyone over for a brunch the next day that lasted until 4 p.m.! On Tuesday Donald and I attended a feast at Abra and Patrick and I baked two pies together. On Thursday I ran in the Turkey Trot and we hosted an impromptu breakfast party here. I was seriously lacking in the photography department, but did manage to take a picture of our baked brie with mushrooms, which tasted even better than it looks. Patrick was thankful to not have school for 4 days, Madeline was thankful for Elmo (as always) and Donald and I are thankful the move is over, even if the "moving in" is not. It feels great to be in our new house.

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