Tuesday, November 24, 2009

That's What Big Brothers Are For

"Can I squeeze her?" Patrick asks us as he reaches for Madeline's head—we're trying to learn to be gentle. Last night he spent ages fiddling with all of the music and lights on Madeline's bouncy chair as she peacefully snoozed away, and then asked if she could sleep in his crib with him when we put him to bed. He typically reserves such a request for a favorite new toy, so it seems like a good sign. I always wished for a big brother and am so glad that Madeline has such a nice one. He definitely has big brother instincts though. He thinks it's hilarious to put things on her head, like crumbs from his toast or a spoonful of yogurt, and loves hearing the sounds she makes as she fills up yet another diaper. And we love the picture of him "adjusting" her hat: classic big brother tricks.

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