Saturday, November 7, 2009

Welcome Madeline Grace

Madeline Grace Thomas arrived at 10:54 a.m. on November 5, weighing 9 lbs, 8 oz, and measuring 21 inches long. Apparently she kicked off a big baby day at Sibley--Dr. Johnson delivered 3 more 9 and 10-pounders before November 5th was over. It was the talk of the maternity ward!

Things were a little crazy this weekend. We were scheduled for an induction but contractions began shortly after we arrived at the hospital. Then came the news that there might be complications in delivering such a potentially large baby. A c-section was unplanned and a bit scary, but we got our little girl quickly and safely and are thrilled to have Madeline Grace with us at last. And even though she's big by baby standards she is still so small compared to Patrick we can hardly believe it.

Flu concerns meant that Patrick couldn't come to the hospital to meet his new sister. Instead he spent three days basking in the attention of Gran T and Papa, who took him all around town to see his friends and down to the waterfront to feed the ducks on Saturday. When brother and sister did finally meet yesterday Madeline brought along a new football helmet--just in case cuteness alone wouldn't cut it. Patrick however is delighted with both Madeline and the helmet, which he wore shopping at the grocery store and brought to school this morning to show his friends. He has a cute way of saying "Madeline" and likes to tickle her toes and kiss her on the head.

It's so nice to have a baby in the house again with all of their teeny tiny things and delicious smells and warm cuddles. It's still amazing--and exhausting--the second time around. And even sweeter because we know how quickly these baby days will pass—and how much we will love the person she becomes.

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