Friday, February 26, 2010

Bedtime Babies

Parick's bedtime routine continues to evolve. His latest thing is to have us sing him baseball songs. So instead of a lullaby Donald and I are belting out "Take Me Out to the Ball Game." I've even tried John Fogarty's "Centerfield." Patrick and I also do a free-form singing/story that involves him playing baseball and football with his friends, generally sung to something that resembles the tune of "You Are My Sunshine." Patrick feeds me lines like "Sing about me and R.J. throwing the football" or "Sing about my baseball t-shirt" and "Sing about my football helmet." I love seeing where his mind wanders. He's also devised the world's cleverest stalling routine to keep us in the room. As we try to leave he says "can I give you a huggy and a kissy? another one?" Who could say no to that? Last night as I made my way down the stairs he was calling out "I love you Mommy! I'll see you in the morning!" I need to record that to play back during the surly teenage years.

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